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Writer's picturePeakBrain

More than 50% of Teens have Driven Drowsy

Drowsy driving is a real concern in America. The National Sleep Foundation estimates that 20% of all accidents are due to drowsy driving, which includes those new to sitting behind the wheel – teenagers. According to a new study conducted by Liberty Mutual Insurance and Students against Destructive Decisions, over 30% of teens drive drowsy sometimes, and over half of licensed teens admit to driving when they felt that their tiredness hindered them from driving at their best.

Drowsiness makes it more difficult to drive safely by impairing the driver’s sense of judgment and reaction time. However, parents can help their teens to avoid drowsy driving in the following ways:

  1. Set expectations: talk to your teens about the dangers of driving drowsy, and other driving safety issues. Set family driving rules in order to guide your teens in their driving decisions.

  2. Promote flexibility and forethought: discuss your teen’s busy schedule with them and how to remain alert while driving. Provide suggestions and be flexible about arranging and rearranging their schedules to make sure they get enough sleep.

  3. Call for a ride: tell your teens that it’s alright to call for a ride when they feel too drowsy to drive. Teach them to research other options in advance if they’re going somewhere late and are worried about drowsiness.


New Study Finds One in Three Teens Are Driving While Drowsy (2016, October 17). Liberty Mutual. Retrieved from

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