As neurofeedback helps the brain function better as a whole, it is used for a variety of reasons. The brain affects every aspect of life. Optimizing its thought patterns in general can produce improvements across a spectrum of common conditions.

Academic Excellence
Students face more challenges today than ever before, making it difficult for students to concentrate on tests, take notes, and generally holds pupils back from performing at their true academic potential.
The number of kids and teens diagnosed with ADHD continues to rise with each passing year, skyrocketing from 7.8% in 2003 to 11% in 2011 (CDC).
85% of teens aren’t getting enough sleep (National Sleep Foundation).

Achieve Lasting Relief
Our clients experience lasting, life-changing, results. * 71% Reduction in Anxiety * 72% Increase in Attention * 64% Decrease in Distractibility * 66% Improvement in Concentration Our drug-free and affordable solutions restores proper brain regulation and bring lasting results.

Achieve Lasting Relief
Our clients experience lasting, life-changing, results. * 71% Reduction in Anxiety * 72% Increase in Attention * 64% Decrease in Distractibility * 66% Improvement in Concentration Our drug-free and affordable solutions restores proper brain regulation and bring lasting results.

Anxiety & Stress
Are you feeling restless?
Do you struggle with:
* Fatigue
* Racing thoughts
* Obsessive worries
* Difficulty falling asleep
* Lack of motivation
* Panic attacks
You can achieve a sense of peace and serenity!

Attention & Focus (ADHD/ADD)
Are you or your child seeking relief from:
* Focus and concentration
* Impulse control
* Distractibility
* Planning and organization
* Executive functions
* Anxiety
These are common struggles associated with ADHD and attention issues that can make daily tasks difficult.

If you have been affected by complications resulting from concussions or a traumatic brain injury, it can seem as if your life has been permanently changed. Problems with memory, recurring migraines, or other issues can make it seem as if normalcy is always just out of reach. Many people suffering from these problems state that they don’t feel like they can do anything to improve their condition. Improving the brain as a whole often restores quality of life.

How does Brain Training Help?
The beauty of brain training is that it increases the efficient connectivity of the 100+ billion neurons in the brain. This increased connectivity allows the neurons to communicate faster and more efficiently. In other words, brain training can’t change the brain’s “hardware” but rather gives it a super-charged “software” update!
We’ve all heard the expression, “use it or lose it.” Neurofeedback training is a fitness program for the brain. This state of the art training, on a moment-to-moment basis, shows the brain how it's learning, processing, and using information. As the brain responds to the training, it continually learns, adapts, and grows. In fact, it can be said that not only is the brain learning, but it’s also “learning how to learn” more effectively. Old, inefficient, and unhealthy neurological patterns fade away.
Think of it this way…our brain training program helps rewire, reboot, and synchronize your brain! That means a happier, healthier you.

My doctor seems skeptical about brain training. Should I be worried?
It’s perfectly normal for health professionals to view neurofeedback with a level of uncertainty. While brain training has been used for decades, and while it has a very substantial base of research evidence, it does not work according to mainstream medical paradigms. It does not involve pharmaceutical medications or invasive procedures. Ironically, certain pharmaceuticals and medication approved by regulators are based on a very thin research base, even though they have very substantial side effects. Your doctor may not know about the new regulatory bodies which hold neurofeedback providers to a high standard of quality, such as the International Society for Neurofeedback and Research.
Doctors tend to stick with what has produced results for their patients in the past. They may be wary of services they’re unfamiliar with. This is natural, as many medical practitioners spend the majority of their time treating “sickness” in patients, which understandably doesn’t leave much time to research different methods of promoting wellbeing. There are many studies on neurofeedback you can reference for them, that are listed later in this FAQ.

Overcome Depression with Neurofeedback
Are you struggling with
* Poor memory
* Difficulty concentrating
* Lack of motivation
* Hopelessness
* Irritability
* Difficulty falling asleep
Our brain health and performance solutions improve the brain’s regulation,
leading to the lasting resolution of depression and a sense of peace and serenity!

Why is Sleep important? A good night’s sleep is like a tune-up for your entire body. During a night’s rest, your metabolism is regulated, memories and information are retained, and your immune system receives a boost. Not getting a good, peaceful night of rest keeps you from performing at your best.
Conditions affecting Sleep:
* Insomnia * Restless Leg Syndrome * Sleep Anxiety * Pediatric Sleep

What is Neurofeedback?
Neurofeedback functions as a mirror for your brain, enabling it to directly observe its own activity and alerting it when it is entering into dysregulated processing patterns. Using EEG equipment, neurofeedback measures brain waves in real time to identify when certain patterns of processing begin to arise. The brain is then given feedback alerting it to these patterns. With the help of this cueing mechanism, the brain learns naturally to return to a more optimized state.
Your brain has a quality known as neuroplasticity, which means it is able to learn new behaviors and change its own wiring and networks in response to demands. The ability to shed detrimental patterns and behaviors for more beneficial ones is simply a skill your brain can teach itself when given the right cues. Neurofeedback is a method for speeding up this learning process.
This innovative technology has been used for decades to relieve stress, promote a healthy mood, improve sleep quality, and generally help the brain function at its best.

Why does my brain need training?
The brain is amazingly resilient. However, the amount of stimulus and stress it has to manage in today’s culture is unprecedented.
Stress is on-going and pervasive. Chronic physical, mental, emotional, chemical, and electromagnetic stress is everywhere. The food we eat, water we drink, and the air we breathe have deteriorated at an alarming rate (even if we have “healthy” habits). This places unnecessary chemical stress on the body, the brain and nervous system.
Computers, cell phones, wireless connections are all a great modern day convenience. However, it comes at a cost because this constant barrage of information and electromagnetic stimulus negatively impacts the brain – it is the overall cumulative effect that is concerning.
Mental and emotional stress abounds as well. Repetitive negative thoughts, self-imposed limiting beliefs, suppressed emotions, past mental/emotional traumas, over critical self-thoughts, feelings of “I can’t,” “I’m not good enough,” and worry/anxiety of the future…are just a few.
Let’s not forget physical stress. Slips, falls, car accidents, sports injuries (including physical traumas that do not produce obvious symptoms), concussions, everyday childhood activities, and repetitive motions with work/sports are all quite common stressors…and even considered “normal.” The brain integrates all this information, but not always in a harmonious way.
To sum up, life is stressful. It’s a fact of life for the time and culture in which we live. The brain can handle a tremendous amount of “life” but it’s the overall cumulative “life” effect that’s so detrimental. Ultimately, the constant stress dysregulates the brain…it loses its fluidity, its flexibility, its resiliency, it becomes stuck - imbalanced.
When this happens symptoms can be immediate and obvious. Or the onset of ill-health can occur slowly and imperceptibly. Physical limitations worsen. Mental and emotional limitations compound, ultimately robbing one of energy and zest for living. Excuses like “I’m just getting old” and “I wish things were better” become commonplace.
The solution? Brain training…restore the brain’s fluidity, flexibility, and efficiency. Increasing the brain’s ability to deal with life’s stressors will mean a happier, healthier you!