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Better Sleep Through Brain Training


Quality sleep is essential for optimal functioning.  Sleep is an incredibly important and restorative stage of daily life.  During sleep the body’s metabolism is regulated, the immune system receives a boost, and brain processing kicks into a higher gear, consolidating memories and learning and pruning synaptic connections for optimal physical and cognitive function. Scientists have established important links between sleep deprivation and a large number of physical and emotional disorders, including obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, immune disorders, anxiety and depression, reflecting the extreme importance of sleep to our emotional and physical well-being.

When you’re not sleeping well, your entire life is affected. You may feel unfocused, tired all the time, or just have a lingering sense that you’re not at your best. Sometimes the source of the problem is a medical issue, such as sleep apnea. Many people dealing with anxiety or increased stress in their lives also suffer from a difficulty falling asleep. Since the brain is constantly learning new behaviors, what begins as a temporary bout of insomnia can become a chronic condition after the mind becomes accustomed to lacking sleep.

All too often, conventional approaches seek to resolve these issues with medication alone. Prescription sleep aids often reduce some symptoms without rooting out their underlying cause.  Pharmaceuticals are frequently more disruptive than the disorder itself. They can reduce your ability to recall past events, turning what should be a peaceful night’s rest into a gap in your memory. Morning grogginess, headaches and other side effects are also common.

A Drug-free Approach


Neurofeedback uses a different approach to help you get the sleep you need. It’s a non-invasive, drug-free way of training your mind to reduce the hyperarousal that is at the core of many conditions and especially poor sleep. As mentioned earlier, your brain is always learning and adapting to its environment. That means if the brain can learn habits or patterns of processing detrimental to sleep health, it can also learn to activate in a more efficient, balanced manner to help you enjoy a full night of rest. When you undergo a neurofeedback session, your brain is given the information it needs to recognize and self-correct its issues.

Neurofeedback can help reduce or eliminate a wide range of problems that prevent you from sleeping well. If anxiety or stress are keeping you awake at night, neurofeedback is already FDA approved as a relaxation aid. It can also be used in conjunction with traditional medical therapies, including CPAP machines used to treat sleep apnea. When the brain is at its best, the body follows suit.

Don’t let a lack of sleep or poor sleep prevent you from performing at your best. If you’re interested in learning more about how neurofeedback can help you get a peaceful, quality night of rest, contact us today. Our experts will be more than happy to answer any questions or schedule an appointment.

The Importance of Sleep


A good night’s sleep is like a tune-up for your entire body. During a night’s rest, your metabolism is regulated, memories and information are retained, and your immune system receives a boost. Not getting a good, peaceful night of rest keeps you from performing at your best. If you’re struggling with sleep issues, PeakBrain can help you find the solution you need.

Achieve lasting relief today, call 972.449.0414

to schedule your free consultation. 

Improve your brain health and overcome your sleep issues, call 972.449.0414 

Stressed Man

Better Sleep Through

Brain Training

Sleep Issues

The Importance of Sleep
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“I slept much better, my brain is functioning at a much higher level.  I feel happier.  I feel like I can accomplish more in a day because I'm less tired and more relaxed.  I feel like a better mom making better decisions.  [My husband] said I'm more aware.” 

—  Christine



The most common of these is insomnia, a poorly-treated and understood condition. A large percentage of insomnia cases go undiagnosed or are treated inadequately, leaving patients fatigued and compromising their physical and emotional health. Other common sleep disorders include sleep apnea, a dangerous and sometimes fatal disease.



PeakBrain’s training provides your brain the tools it needs to improve its own self-regulation. Among the earliest results that the vast majority of clients notice is the improvement of sleep patterns and restoration of quality sleep.   Individuals fall asleep quicker, return to sleep better if awakened at night and feel better rested after sleep.  And, because neurofeedback brain training restores more efficient brain processing, clients achieve not only improved sleep quality but better performance during their waking hours also, whether in cognitive function, physical health and emotional resilience.

PeakBrain & Wellfirst Sleep Diagnostics


PeakBrain’s origins in sleep diagnosis and treatment are a tremendous bonus for clients who are seeking improved sleep quality from their brain training.  In addition to the most technologically-advanced neurofeedback solutions, PeakBrain’s team provides coaching and support in integrating healthy sleep habits, sleep hygiene and tools to aid in restoring the healthy sleep that is crucial to overall health.

Achieve lasting relief today, call 972.449.0414

to schedule your sessions. 

Conditions Related to Insomnia & Sleep Issues



At least 40 million Americans each year suffer from chronic, long-term sleep disorders, and an additional 20 million experience occasional sleep problems. While other disorders such as sleep apnea are better-known, the most common sleep disorder in the population is insomnia.

Restless Leg Syndrome

Do you find it difficult to find a comfortable position to sleep in? Do you frequently adjust your legs or arms, find it hard to be still while relaxing, or have been told that you move in your sleep? If so, you may have restless leg syndrome. Help is available. Let the sleep experts on our staff help you find the best solution to this issue so you can get the essential sleep your body needs.

Sleep Anxiety

Do worries, fearful thoughts or anxiety keep you up at night? This is an extremely common condition. Many people report intrusive thoughts that prevent them from sleeping well. PeakSleep uses innovative, cutting-edge options to help you attain a tranquil mind and better sleep. Contact our experts today to learn how we can help.

Pediatric Sleep


Sleep is positively vital for the young, who need more hours of sleep than adults in order for proper childhood development to take place. Various sleep disorders can affect children and teenagers. It takes an expert to help alleviate the source of these problems. Our PeakSleep specialists can help your child get the sleep they need to be at their best both in school and at home. This can include various techniques to ensure natural, healthy sleep including 

hemoencephalography, nutrition, performance testing, brain mapping and more.

Improve your brain health and overcome your sleep issues, call 972.449.0414 


Neurofeedback works by taking advantage of the brain’s neuroplasticity, or ability to change and adapt. Your brain is constantly learning new patterns of thought and behavior. Brain training using neurofeedback guides the brain to learn to better balance itself and improve your sleep health and performance for real, lasting results in all aspects of life.

This exciting option has never been available at a more affordable cost. Find out more about how neurofeedback works on other sections of this website, and contact us directly to learn more about how PeakBrain can help you on the journey to a lasting reduction in sleep issues. 


Discover How Neurofeedback Helps Manage Insomnia
Without Medication, schedule your free consultation. 
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© 2007-2020 by Lolek LLC

PeakBrain makes no claims that it can cure any conditions, including any conditions referenced on its website or in print materials, including  ADHD, anxiety, autism, depression, traumatic brain injury, post-traumatic stress disorder, migraines, headaches, stress, sleep disorders, Alzheimer’s and dementia. 

If you take prescription medications for any of these conditions, you should consult with your doctor before discontinuing use of such medications.

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