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Get moving! 20 minutes of activity per day is not only good for the body, it is critical for the brain. Exercise improves concentration, focus, and other cognitive abilities. Walking has been shown to increase memory function and combat stress. Practicing yoga frequently can lead to decreased anxiety. Strength training has been linked to better multitasking and problem solving skills.



Get sleep. A good night’s sleep is imperative to your overall health.  Lack of sleep can cause or exacerbate a host of conditions including high blood pressure, heart disease, metabolic syndrome and obesity, and a range of cognitive and emotional conditions. A few tips to increase the quality of your sleep:


  • Maintain a consistent bedtime routine.

  • Eliminate the usage of electronic devices with screens within 2 hours of bedtime.

  • Turn down the thermostat.  The idea temperature for sleeping is 65-70 degrees F.


Eat well! Eat lots of healthy fats, a moderate amount of healthy protein and limit gluten and consumption of simple carbohydrate. Follow a Mediterranean diet by incorporating healthy fats, such as olive oil, avocados, coconut oil and ghee, fish, vegetables and legumes into your diet. Fermented foods, especially fermented vegetables are an excellent addition to any diet. Enjoy caffeine in moderation; check out PeakBrain coffee that combines your daily dose of caffeine and healthy fats!



Get some sun! Go outdoors and get 15 to 20 minutes of sun exposure each day to boost your vitamin D levels; just don’t forget the sunscreen. Vitamin D has been shown in numerous studies to be crucial to your overall health and immune function.If you are unable to get outdoors, consider a high-quality Vitamin D(3) supplement.



Reduce stress. Stress is extremely detrimental to your health and yet it’s pervasive in our society. To decrease your overall stress level:


  • Set a routine and schedule, but don’t be afraid to adapt.

  • Do things you enjoy, like go for a hike, read a book or do some window shopping!

  • Maintain your perspective and don’t lose sight of the big picture.

  • Prioritize what is important and don’t sweat the small stuff.


Love yourself. Treat yourself like your best friend, because you are! You wouldn’t berate or belittle your best friend, would you? Show yourself that same courtesy. Stop the negative talk in your head. Forgive yourself when you slip up on little things, and move on. Just remember there’s no one else like you in the world!



Set goals. Give yourself something to look forward to and something to work toward. With your larger goals in mind, make smaller, intermittent goals that are both manageable and achievable. Then work steadily and you’ll achieve those long-term goals soon enough!



Give back. You are not a solitary individual, but a member of a greater community! Volunteer to help out members of your neighborhood, city or area. Doing something for others will touch the lives of other individuals, help put your life in perspective and, studies show, make you feel better about yourself.



Be social. Studies have shown that people who have active social lives are healthier and live longer. Grab coffee with a friend, invite your neighbors over for dinner or join a group to explore your community!


Our clients experience lasting, life-changing, results.

Sketch Arrow Down

71% Reduction

in Anxiety

Sketch Arrow Down

72% Increase in Attention

Sketch Arrow Down

64% Decrease in Distractibility

Sketch Arrow Down

66% Improvement in Concentration

Our drug-free and affordable solutions restores proper brain regulation and bring lasting results.


Brain Training for Peak Living

Lifestyle Tips for Better Brain Health

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"I handled emotional situations more calmly and was able to filter out any anxiety quickly. I've been able to fall asleep very fast this week."

—  I.D., High school student

with severe anxiety

Achieve lasting relief today, call 972.449.0414

to schedule your free consultation. 


Who is PeakBrain?


PeakBrain is dedicated to Brain Training for Peak Living. We provide advanced brain assessment and training solutions, including neurofeedback and biofeedback, combined with personalized coaching, to help individuals achieve peak performance and resolve a wide variety of conditions through improved brain regulation.


Improve your Brain. Transform your life.

PeakBrain’s brain health and performance solutions improve the brain’s self-regulation and metabolism leading to improvements in all areas of life. When given the right information, the brain optimizes neuronal connections and improves its processing. 




















What is brain training?


The brain controls all aspects of a person’s life. Every thought, mood, habit and action stems from this incredibly important organ. Issues like stress, anxiety, ADHD, depression and trauma of all kinds are connected to poor processing in the brain, resulting in impaired function across many areas of life.


Brain training uses state-of-the-art biofeedback, neurofeedback and metabolic solutions to help individuals (re)establish efficient neural pathways. This drug-free and affordable solution restores proper brain regulation and brings lasting results for:


Stress & Anxiety | ADHD | Learning Difficulties | 
Depression | Concussion Recovery | Sleep



Improve your brain health and overcome Stress & Anxiety, call 972.449.0414 



Discover How Neurofeedback Helps Manage Stress & Anxiety Symptoms Without Medication, schedule your free consultation. 
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© 2007-2020 by Lolek LLC

PeakBrain makes no claims that it can cure any conditions, including any conditions referenced on its website or in print materials, including ADHD, anxiety, autism, depression, traumatic brain injury, post-traumatic stress disorder, migraines, headaches, stress, sleep disorders, Alzheimer’s and dementia. 

If you take prescription medications for any of these conditions, you should consult with your doctor before discontinuing use of such medications.

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